Hello, I am Adair the rebel behind Holistic Renegade.
Holistic means including the whole of something. It acknowledges that everything is intimately connected and therefore must be addressed as a whole. Holistic medicine is gaining momentum to combat today’s world where chronic disease is commonplace.
Renegade comes from rebel. Rebels are heroes who want to change the world. They come with new ideas and alternative ways of doing things that lead to better solutions. Martin Luther King, Galileo Galilei and Mahatma Gandhi are a few rebels in history that strove to make our world better.
This is a trusted safe place online where women can collaborate and explore amazing life experiences and brands that are making the world a better place.
I am newer to social media but have a thriving email community of over 50,000 members.
In my email community, we tell inspirational stories and feature amazing brands weekly.
We welcome you to join our community of renegades who wish to make the world a better place for those who follow us.